
C&D Website Cluster

C&D Website Cluster

【Supply Chain Operation】

C&D Inc.
Iron & Steel Group
Paper & Pulp Group
Automobile Group
Xiamen C&D Light Industry Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Kindland Co., Ltd.
Xiamen C&D Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Candour Co., Ltd.
C&D Logistics Group Co., Ltd.
Xiamen C&D Shipbuilding and Trading Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Goldenstar Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

【Urban Construction and Operation】

C&D Real Estate Group
Lianfa Group
C&D Urban Service

【Tourism and Exhibition】

Tourism Group
C&D Hotel
Xiamen C& E Group Inc.

【Medical and Health】

C&D Innostic Medical
Xiamen Humanity Hospital
Xiamen Humanity Rehabilitation Hospital
Xiamen Humanity Nursing Home

【Emerging Industry Investment】

C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment

【Enterprises with Investment and Equity Participation】

King Dragon Life Insurance
Xiamen Airlines
Xiamen Farah Electronics
Xiamen International Bank
Xiamen International Trust
Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank

C&D Website Cluster
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C&D Group holds a mobilization meeting on Party history learning and education


On March 17, the Party Committee of C&D Group held a mobilization meeting for the Party history learning and education.

Huang Wenzhou, secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, conveyed during the meeting the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the mobilization conference on Party history learning and education and the work requirements of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, the CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee and the Party committee of the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission on carrying out this event. He also made general mobilization and work arrangements for the Group in this regard.
